Friday, 25 May 2007

Lost episode ratings

Hey Lost folks. Finally we have seen the last episode of 3rd Lost Season. It was really good but below my expectations. However, if you have seen the Heroes finale, this Lost episode was a training for Heroes folks to show how a season should end. I am really angry about the feel they screwed up a great show like in the last 4-5 episodes. I am planning to write on this in detail.

I can write pages of review about Lost finale but I haven't received any feedback from readers about my Lost reviews and I think you don't appreciate my detailed reviews so I will pass on this finale until I receive a request. I will give you DarkUFO reader ratings of this season's episodes and my top 10:

My Top 10:

  1. Flashes before your eyes
  2. The Brig
  3. The Man from Tallahassee
  4. Through the looking glass
  5. Enter 77
  6. A Tale of two cities
  7. Greatest Hits
  8. The Man behind the curtain
  9. Catch 22
  10. The Cost of living

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